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Stephen Davis
21 July
The story is finished ......... now for the editing
Well the first draft of my new book is finished and I am deep into the editing process. I can't reveal the title yet but it's an exciting story, and like my previous books, it is inspired by historical facts. I have so enjoyed weaving the story through the back corridors of history and into some fascinating places.
16 April
A new story with a whole new cast of characters
Like all of you, I am spending a lot more time at home right now. The upside is that my new book is coming along in leaps and bounds. The idea for it started in the middle of last year and I began writing just a couple of months ago. The story has become all encompassing and I am racing through to, what I think, will be an exciting climax.
18 Feb
With Whitstable Book Club
My good friend Clare Gillbanks told me today that the Whistable book club have chosen 'The Tsar's Banker' for their book of the month for March.
6 Jan
Tsar's Banker chosen as book of month
I've been told the Wadebridge, Port Isaac and Rock book club have chosen 'The Tsar's Banker' as their book of the month for January.
3 Jan
Readers give Tagleva Trilogy great reviews
Delighted by the great reviews my books have received over the holiday season. Obviously the stories are a good stocking filler and thanks to everyone who took time to post their reviews on Amazon.
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